PRESENT : 35 Allotment holders


INTRODUCTION   by Al of Officers and Committee 2005 to all present



·                  Al described 2005 as a steady year, with no major funds raised.  An Application to the Lottery for a grant towards the construction of the new shop and community building would not now be considered until Aut 2006.  Hedging had been completed alongside the new proposed footpath route.  Two grants from Fishergate Ward Committee totalling £10,000 which had been secured to offer matched funding from LMAA for Lottery funding would be clawed back if not spent.  Al proposed purchasing a composting toilet within a fullt contained unit.  John Cossham offered to prepare a list of possible items for Committee to consider

·                  LMAA had received 2 awards - The York Pride Award for the Best Community Project.  The main focus of this was the Petanque Pitch and thanks were recorded to   Rebecca Horner for all her work on this project.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Community Kids Plot Award - more later

·                  Security - There had been 1 serious incident ( a burnt out shed) and a few minor thefts.  Donations totallingc. £250 had been collected for Ayse and Chris and they plan to use the money to create a series of raised beds for use by people with mobility problems.  Ayse and chris had been very grateful for all the support they had received from fellow plot holders.

·                  Al voiced his thanks to all the Committee for their hard work, especially our Storekeeper supreme, Frank



·                  Frank started by expressing his thanks to Angela and June for staffing the shop every Saturday; and to Mandy, Kate, Fiona and Ernie for being reliable helpers on the Sunday rota.  Also thanks to sarah for looking after the strimmer and rotivator loan arrangements.

·                  All chemical pesticides had been removed from shop stock and disposed of safely or sold on to a local garden centre contact.  Only non-organic product currently on sale is Growmore.

·                  Yorwaste compost - concerns had been expressed about its containing weeds etc.  Frank had checked with the Council.  The product is heated to 72'c and all weeds and diseases are killed.  An analysis of its properties is available in the shop.

·                  Manure - Last load of poorer quality.  With some manure still being taken illicitly it was emphasised that it can only be taken during shop hours.  Al to follow up the suggestion that a barrier structure with a lockable gate would hinder access.

·                  Seeds - Offers of Help are being sought to bag up seeds in the Autumn.  Please put names on the list in the shop if you can help.  Many hands make light work.

·                  Purchase of a battery-operated wheel barrow to help people take manure etc up the hill.  £60 cost will be recouped by a hire charge to cover costs.  It will be available during shop hours

·                  If you find anything cheaper in other outlets please let Frank know



All present Committee and Officers were prepared to stand again although we are always pleased top welcome new faces to join us.



TREASURER - KESTER ( Unless an alternative volunteer is available)




The existing Committee were re-elected unanimously



·                  2005 was a year of consolidation and growth with the Local Network Grant buying a lot of equipment and completing our major"capital" expenditure.  The Saturday Gardening session had 12 regular members ; the Wednesday Walking on the Wild Side attracted 7 regulars.  This year's membership figures are 14 ( a maximum that can be catered for ) and 11.  Holiday activity sessions were organised and links with schools continued

·                  In Feb 2006 we received the Duke of York Community Initiative Award.  The application and assessment process was rigorous and we were delighted to have this official endorsement of the quality of our provision and activity.  We have yet to learn when the Presentation evening will take place.

·                  This year funding is a bit problematical with no news yet of the Fishergate ward Committee Grant which we had applied for.  We have submitted an application to another funder but again will not hear until mid May.

·                  Points for Allotment Holders to note - Plant Sales of veg seedlings and wild flowers will be taking place throughout the summer.  The Wed session plan to plant wild flowers in the lanes and would welcome other plot holders making a wild flower corner in their plots.

·                  Shop will try and close at 1.45 pm on Sat so we can move on to the Kids Plot.  Please try not to leave your visit until nearly closing

·                  Sat 10th September - Visit to West Yorkshire Organic Horticultural Show in Saltaire is being planned.  Watch the shop door for more information

·                  Additional Helpers are always welcome - occasional or if you might be interested in becoming a regular helper



Al announced 5 Most Improved Plot Awards (there could have been 10 - tribute to the great efforts people have been putting in)

·                  Ed & Maria - Plot 153B

·                  Ernie Darrell

·                  Martha Moulson - Plot 149A

·                  Steven Blake - 76B

·                  David Fuggles 52 & 53B



·                  The issue has arisen because: Council are keen to reduce Bonfires and is trialling the Green Waste Skip arrangement on Low Moor for this year.  If it is successful this will be extended to all sites next year

·                  there have been complaints from residents

·                  Al reported that all new plot holders receive a fact sheet about alternative methods of dealing with unwanted green waste and how to deal with fires on the site.  Could a voluntary code of practice work?

·                  John Cossham proposed a complete ban on fires.  York Rotters will advise on appropriate methods of composting; and bonfires were harmful to the environment and for asthma sufferers.

·                  There was suggestion and some discussion about incorporating Low Moor into the Council's 2-weekly green collection and supply the site with a number of green bins

·                  The proposal to have a complete ban was rejected by 30 votes to 5

·                  It was suggested that only DRY items be burnt, whether to restrict the time to mid-week , whether during the day / evening

·                  The proposal to ban "green" i.e not dry waste was agreed by 28 of 30 present for that vote




·                  Members asked for thye holes in the road / entrance to the site to be filled in

·                  John Cossham offered free pea sticks from his allotment

·                  There was a complaint about dog mess on paths

·                  Al reported that the Council now deny that they said that they would fund the changes to the footpath route


Meeting closed 1pm